The Great Meat Mystery

spacecatOur Animals Correspondent Bonzetta writes:

There’s been a bit of news this week about the environmental impact of farming animals. So let’s have another look at meat….

…featuring Sketching Weakly’s new Investigative Journalist, Agatha Frizbee. Over to you, Agatha!

Agatha FrisbeeWell, this week, it’s the Meat Special. And we ask the question:

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I’ve been down the supermarket…

chicken trolleychicken in supermarket










and I’ve been having a good hard look at the Meat Aisle. And it seems to me that it’s quite difficult from the packets to see who your meat was. And we all want to know, don’t we? We want to know that they had a nice life before they became meat.

Meat 03Although these packets are all very attractive, I think they could do more to introduce us to who we’re going to eat, and make the invisible visible. Here’s what they could be like:

Meat 04Because if you’re going to eat someone, you’d want to know who you’re eating.

PS: Here’s some farming in the news.